
David's story continued.....

In April of 1989 I knew something was wrong with my new baby boy.....he was always sick, had diarrhea, didn't eat, losing weight, coughing, and cried a lot. I would take David to the doctors every other day....and on the day he was not at the doctor's office I called. David went from a healthy 18 lb boy to a sickly 9 lbs. I knew something was wrong....but the doctors keep telling me that he sounded good and nothing was wrong. My husband and family thought that I was overreacting. But I knew my son!
On Sunday, April 30th David's lips turned blue while he was coughing. We took him to St Christopher's hospital in Philadelphia....were we lived at the time. When the staff took my son  into the ER they put a pulse ox on his little the time I had no idea what the number's meant....but his oxygen level was at 86....all of the sudden the nurses and doctors threw us out of the room with no explanation...we were scared! What was wrong? Once we were called back into the room the parent of the child that was in the next bed to David was looking at us with pity......they knew something that we didn't know yet. All I could do was pray.....the doctors told us that David was very sick and they didn't know why.....they didn't know if he would survive the next few days.......

It was April 30th and our first son David was in the hospital with some mysterious illness that had the doctors perplexed. When David's oxygen level was extremely low they took a chest x-ray and discovered that his lungs were full of pneumonia. The doctors usually hear crackles when a person has pneumonia...yet all these months David never did. This was pointing the doctors to a specific disease however, they needed to preform a lung biopsy to determine the cause of the disease.
Once the doctors performed the test they put David on a ventilator so that he could breathe. It was discovered that David had a rare pneumonia that is caused by a germ that we all have in our throats...with a normal immune system we fight it off....but he was not able to fight off this germ. The doctors asked us the standard questions regarding the possibility of me having HIV...and that I could have passed it onto him...of course this was impossible....I never did drugs, had a blood transfusion or had relations with anyone besides my husband. I was scared......I thought maybe I could have picked up HIV some other have to understand the scare of the 1980's was believed by the public that one could get HIV from mosquito bites, or toilet seats....The doctors soon explained that they needed to do more test but that David was born without an immune system. Why GOD? This was our immediate question.....why us?
The doctors said that David should begin to show improvement with a strong antibiotic that would help him within 8 hours. However, David did not get better. They needed to switch to the last antibodic that was left to fight this pneumonia, Bactrum. The doctors again said we should know within the next 8-16 hours if the med's would work. Meanwhile, we prayed! God was are only source of strength. We had our family gather around us...our church family visited us and prayed for us....but we still felt alone. No one understood. But when we turned to the LORD....he gave us peace. We were still scared and felt like we were drowning....but the LORD gave us great strength. We would draw on this strength many times throughout the years.....and the LORD always took care of us.
Eight hours, ten hours, twenty-four hours went by and David was not any better. He seemed worse. The doctors told us to start making funeral arrangements....

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