
Our journey begins....

Our son David was in the hospital with Severe Combined Immune Deficiency Syndrome (SCIDS) and the doctors gave up all hope. We were told to make funeral arrangements. This was a Thursday night...we knew our family and church family were praying for David and for us. However, as word was spread about our little guy churches across the nation were praying for David. We had family in other churches of course put David on the prayer list and in turn people from these prayer groups would contact family and friends to pray for David....and so the amount of prayer grew for David....and the peace that passes all understanding was given to my husband and I. On this night a pastor from a local church that my husband once attended with his parents stopped by and prayed for us. His wife worked at the hospital as a nurse and she promised she would check on him frequently during the night. I was unable to sleep by his bed God sent someone who could check and pray for David through the night.

We were only able to see David for 30 minutes every the rest of the time was spent in the waiting room.....we saw other parents who had children with holes in their hearts....we asked God..."Why couldn't David have this difficulty? Then it could be fixed and we could be done with it"....But God knows the beginning from the end...and his perfect will would be done.

On Friday David's regular nurse was off and we had a different nurse on the morning she told me she noticed that we had our bibles and scripture verses around the room and mentioned that she prayed for David over night. We were so glad that again God sent more people to pray for our little one. I knew that the Lord was going to bring David through.....I had peace about it....everyone thought I was in denial.....but I trusted the Lord to work everything out.

Now during this time David was on a ventilator and he was paralyzed to prevent him from moving....I would only be able to tell that he was awake when I saw the tiny tears fall down his face. He was awake but couldn't move.....I still think about how scared he must have been....and it scared me to death. I wanted to make it all better. Besides praying for David, I would read books to him hourly. It was a comfort to me because it was something I could do to help.....I was unable to care for him...but I could talk, sing, and read to my son. 

On Sunday, May 7, 1989....Mothers day...which was my first and possibly the last one with David....I walked into the room and as I did every time I entered I greeted him.....but this time something changed. When I said "Hi honey..." David SMILED! This was the BEST mothers day gift I ever received!

The doctors came into the room on this day and said that they couldn't believe the change in David....he was getting much, much, better. He was a totally different kid! They thought that his x-ray was wrong that morning and took another one....because it was so much better then the one they took on Friday!
Despite the fact that the doctors thought David would die...the Lord had his own timing and healed David so that despite what the doctors thought would happen to him.....the Lord worked a miracle and he was getting better! There was still a long road ahead of us...but the Lord had everything in his own timing!

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