
GVH...and other trails...

David was sent home after just a month in the hospital.....he was doing very well...and we were extremely grateful. We were permitted to go home because we only lived 45 mins away from the if there were any problems we could get to the hospital quickly...
When David came home he was on 21 meds a day. He had a port in and that required flushing twice a day. Time at home was filled with caring for David, giving him his meds, and cleaning the house top to bottom everyday....scrubbing floors, bathtub, baseboards, counters, vacuum rugs, etc. It was very exhausting. David was only home for about a week when I was sent to the hospital with severe gall bladder attack. I had a fever and I was unable to see David....This broke my heart. I had to have major surgery...and I was out of the house for 2 weeks. During this time David was admitted for GVH or Graft Vs. Host disease. This is where my bone marrow attacked David's body because it was foreign to the immune system. David was in the hospital for a few weeks to get this under control. This was a very difficult time for me because I wasn't able to be with David and this was tough. I was very depressed!
David was sent home and I went home one was keeping me in the hospital when he came home.....The next few years were filled with visits to the hospital and struggling with GVH.....David never fully reconstituted his immune system but with IVIG...(antibodies that others donate) he was gradually able to go to church.
During this year my sweet mother in law had suffered and died from breast cancer. We miss her terribly but we were so happy that she lived long enough to see David start to get better and have a fairly normal life! This is a picture of her holding David during Transplant!

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